Sunday, March 6, 2011

Back in the WIN column

Well the first week of Marzo has been a good one!
Today we had a home game, and it was very successful! We beat them in 3 sets and we are now 15-3!
This week of practicing hard and actually working on things that we needed to work on really paid off. On the court we were talking and playing great defense. You could really see everyone working together and we just looked like such a TEAM!! Now, I hope just because we had one success we don't stop going hard in practice! We still have 8 games in the season left, and we need to work hard to win them!

On a side note, Carnevale is coming up, March 8th, and the town is getting ready for that. We don't have this holiday in America, but it seems to be like a Halloween type holiday with a little more celebrating then what we have. Looks like I will have to turn to google to learn more about it, since no one can really explain it to me, don't worry, I will find an explanation for this holiday, and I will share it.  All of the stores are selling costumes for little kids, and the photo shops offer pictures with different themed backdrops. These costumes are not just normal costumes, they are the most elaborate costumes I have seen for little kids, EVER. I will have to take a picture and capture the detail of these costumes. Apparently on Tuesday there is a very important celebration (because we bumped the time of practice up) and we are all going out together after, so I will be sure to fill everyone in on that! I just hope they tell me if I need a costume or not....

Italian word/phrase of the day: insieme  "together"   insiemo bene  literally: "together well" but used as a "start strong" kind of comment

love this picture! 


as Lynnea says, "she really thought she was going to win that?"


  1. i think there might be a carnivale befana!! (not really, but i'm hoping you can ask Maria to produce another amazing conversation)
