Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Busy week.....

Wednesday was the first game in the Coppa Di Lazio (Lazio Cup, for series C) which is a separate competition than our regular season. We played a team in our division that we had already played and have to play again for our regular season, Ciampino. Because it wasn't really an important game, because it didn't effect our regular season standings, we didn't play our normal line up; we wanted to rest some injured players. To me and Lynnea, every game is important so we were confused as to why they were taking this route, but we won, in 5 games, so we are moving on to the next round (which isn't until March).

Thursday was our day off and surprise surprise we didn't do anything. We walked around and went to our normal little dinner place and just relaxed.

Random church near the square

Friday after we worked out we didn't really want to go back and sit in the apartment, so we walked around the town and decided to just explore some of the streets we haven't seen before and see if there were any knew places that looked good to eat at. Didn't really find anything except for the old buildings around the town.

open area

Friday night after practice we went to eat at a new pizza place and then came back and sat and talked with our roommates. Maria was making something for her friend's birthday and we were watching her draw and we started talking about drawing and Valentina and I started showing each other how we could draw, she would draw a cat and then have me draw a cat, then a dress, a tree, a face, and then Maria gave us some colored pencils and we started coloring them in, it was really funny, but we had a good time laughing at our lack of skills....
display of our drawing skills 

Saturday we had an away game, this one for our season, we didn't play that well and we lost, so this is our second loss in the season, but we are still in first, we just aren't that many points ahead of the second place team, which we play next weekend.

Hopefully we are able to use this as a wake up call and really really try to get better because other teams in our conference aren't getting any worse.

Italian word/phrase of the day:  anello "ring"

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