Today was an away game, in Rome, like most of our away games. So we got up at 9ish, and our house of 4 walked into the square and got cappuccino and then walked around and went into all the little stores together. It was fun, we chatted in our broken languages, us speaking broken Italian, and them English when necessary.
We loaded the bus (which Lynnea and I have nick named The GREEN machine!) and headed to Rome. The seats are very small, allowing almost no room for anyones legs, let along mine. Not all of us rode the bus for whatever reasons, but all I know is that when everyone does ride the bus, we will have very little room for any type of movement! Can't wait to experience that. Good thing I brought my awesome panda neck pillow, I wrapped that thing around my neck, turned on my ipod, and took a nice little nap on the way to Rome!
Takin a little nap! love the panda pillow |
Our game was at 4pm and we arrived with a good 30 min. to warm up! That was new, in college, arriving 30 min before a game would NEVER happen, or even be thought of. Here, we arrive, warm up, play, and leave, no need for any extra time, get there get it done and go home. I like it!
The team we played is last in our division, I think, which always leaves for a dangerous match, because we have everything to lose and they have nothing to lose. And that is exactly how the match went. We won the first two matches, they were very close, but we were able to pull them out. The beginning of the third match wasn't any different, we got ourselves into a hole, but unlike the first two matches, this one we weren't able to get out of. So we went into a fourth game, and again, we were able to pull it out and win, making out record 5-0!
For more updates on the club, check out the link to the clubs facebook page on the side of the blog!
Now I am just sitting at home, wondering what I am going to do tonight, everyone already seems to have plans, and since we don't have a car, we aren't really able to meet anyone anywhere, and both of our roommates are out of town! We will see what comes of it....
Italian word/phrase of the day:
spingiamo uno "we push one" haha my way of trying to explain what we say in the US when we need one point to finish the match....they understood! who says I need whole sentences, simple words are enough!
these pictures were taken from an album on facebook, not sure who, but here is the
LINK to the full album
me hitting |
team |
ready to block |
serving |
hitting again |
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