Today we went grocery shopping because tomorrow we are going to attempt to cook some sort of Thanksgiving meal. We went to 3 different stores looking for sweet potatoes, no luck. Although I did come across potatoes called "patate dolci" which literally meals potato sweet, they were not orange and I didn't want to attempt to make candied yams with non-orange sweet potatoes, so I guess I will just have to do without those this year. BUT I expect them for Christmas!
Anyways, we got picked up at 10:50ish, knowing that we would be in a rush because Antonio had a meeting at 12. Well after going to two stores, it was noon, and Antonio had to go change the lights in the gym or something, so we rode along with him, so he could take us to another store after that. So as we go to the gym we see this type of company maintenance van outside of it with a ladder on the van, and we are thinking that Antonio just has to tell them what lights need to be changed. But no, I guess they just drop of the equipment for you to change the light, but you actually have to do it yourself, then they pick it back up, because the van drove away and Antonio had to change the light bulbs himself, then the van came back and got the ladder. Yeah, still kind of confused about that.
So after that we went to another store, called Oggi and Domani (today and tomorrow), where we met Maria and Adri, our other roommates, and we found TURKEY, well not a whole turkey, but they had turkey legs and turkey wings, I was told, so we got some chicken and then the turkey wings to cook! And we got the rest of the items we needed for dinner along with just some regular day to day grocery items.
Then we got in the car thinking we were done grocery shopping, but he didn't head home, and we pulled into the parking lot of the home store, there we got much needed laundry baskets, little rugs, and just little house hold items that we needed! The store had tons of Christmas decorating items and I kind of wanted to buy them and decorate my room and the house, since thats usually what you do the weekend of Thanksgiving...But we did find these awesome masks, and as you can see, we were definitely paying attention to the discussion that was happening about the items we needed for the house. ha
Lynnea |
Me |
The two of us! |
After all of the shopping, we went home, unloaded all of our bags. I decided to change my room around. I just wanted to move the bed up against a wall, so I had a little more space, but that is kind of hard to do since here, they place a light switch and outlet on each side of the bed, so when I moved my bed, one switch is behind the bed, and the other is pretty much unreachable. BUT I am going to make it work because I like the way my room feels now! And I have a cute little rug to put in front of my bed!
This evening, during practice time, we had what they call a "friendly match." We have determined that means scrimmage, but for us, even a scrimmage isn't friendly, and we still want to win. So we have a hard time calling it a friendly match! But we played a team who is still in the same series as us, but in a different division. And they are probably going to win their division. Because it was a "friendly match" we didn't play the normal line up and mixed it up, which is totally fine. It wasn't pretty, and it wasn't easy, but we ended up winning in five games! Even though it didn't count for our record because it was a friendly match I still am happy to have won it, and without one specific line-up!
Thats all for tonight, I will blog tomorrow about the Thanksgiving meal, but I am excited to cook for our Italian roommates, and share this tradition with them!
Italian word/phrase of the day:
subito "immediately" commonly used on the vball court